stories told and songs sung

Life is full of stories and songs. By sharing them, maybe we see a little more clearly how we are all connected.

Location: Deep South

I grew up in Texas and then went off to college in Tennessee. There I met my future wife in a great story you'll have to hear someday. Med school was back in Texas. We got married during my 2nd year. After med school, it was on to Neurology residency in the Deep South. Now that I'm a full fledged neurologist, I'm just trying to balance it all with a new baby on the way...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Should've bought a grill

I had a patient last week who was carried into the ER after having been deliriously unconscious all day. She reported no medical history and hadn't seen a doctor in 50 years. When we found that her blood sugar was 975, I had to be the bearer of bad news that she had diabetes.

Later on during her admission, she mentioned to me that her cousin George was coming to pick her up upon her discharge to take her out to his ranch and teach her how to cook and eat right. She was distressed about this because she was going to have to give up her beloved soul food and have to use "his grill." She said that she was the only cousin who didn't have one of "his grills." I told her that it must be nice to have a cousin who cared about her so much, and then when I thought about it further, I said, "wait, who is your cousin?"

"George Foreman," she said. Ah, thus the grills. So she was the only cousin without a grill and the only one with diabetes. Maybe it's time to buy a grill.


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