stories told and songs sung

Life is full of stories and songs. By sharing them, maybe we see a little more clearly how we are all connected.

Location: Deep South

I grew up in Texas and then went off to college in Tennessee. There I met my future wife in a great story you'll have to hear someday. Med school was back in Texas. We got married during my 2nd year. After med school, it was on to Neurology residency in the Deep South. Now that I'm a full fledged neurologist, I'm just trying to balance it all with a new baby on the way...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


John Patrick is a doctor and thinker who I respect very much, and today I came across a paper he has written analyzing the institution of marriage. Maybe you will find it as provocative as I did.

"Marriage is not an end but a means. It is no more the high point of life or the institution of status than a hammer is the high point of the tool box or the tool of status. Marriage is the best tool we have for building a sound society, but it is not the only tool we need, since it is a tool that is difficult to make strong enough to do the job. Marriage is called an institution because it is essentially a social instrument, a structure devised to give all the people born of heterosexual unions (everybody) the best chance in life they can have, that best chance being the stability of a family."


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