stories told and songs sung

Life is full of stories and songs. By sharing them, maybe we see a little more clearly how we are all connected.

Location: Deep South

I grew up in Texas and then went off to college in Tennessee. There I met my future wife in a great story you'll have to hear someday. Med school was back in Texas. We got married during my 2nd year. After med school, it was on to Neurology residency in the Deep South. Now that I'm a full fledged neurologist, I'm just trying to balance it all with a new baby on the way...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Not a mammogram

Frequently, I order tests for my patients, and it may take a day or two for them to get done. Thus, when my patient goes for a test, I don't always know what test it was until the results come back.

This brings me to a visit I had with one of my patients today. Bear in mind that the patient is a sweet 70 year old man. I went in to ask him how he was doing, and he said that things were fine.
"Did my test come out okay, doc?"
"Which test?" I asked.
"The test I had last night."
"Well, I'm not sure which one that was, but I'll check on the results."
"Come on, doc, it was that mammogram that they did on me," as he gestured towards his pelvic area.
"Well, I'm still not sure which test it was, but I think I can safely say that it was not a mammogram."


Blogger LSI said...

if it was a true mammogram - down there - then this is prime material for Grey's Anatomy. I'd submit it to Shonda Rimes if I were you.

12:53 AM  

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