So sorry that I haven't blogged in forever. I have been accumulating stories, but I just haven't had time to blog. I just finished my last in-house overnight call last week! Woohoo! Anyway, that should give me more time to crank out the stories. I'll start with a funny one from this morning.
So, the med school year starts in late June/early July, so the students rotating on wards are brand spanking new 3rd year medical students who have never been in the hospital before. Even though we as residents are only a few years older and wiser than them, they treat us with the utmost deference.
A student came up to me this morning and said,"Um, Dr. Sung, can I ask you something?"
"Well, Dr. A [one of my colleagues] asked me to check Mr. So-and-so's rectal tone. So I went in there to do it, but his diaper was, well, full of...stool. So I asked the nurse to change the diaper, but do you think it will be okay for me to wait until he's changed before I go try again?"
"Yes, I think that will be fine. In fact, I'll vouch for you to Dr. A that you did in fact try and that I said it would be okay to wait until the diaper is changed."
"Oh wow, thanks."
Ah, they're so cute at this stage...