stories told and songs sung

Life is full of stories and songs. By sharing them, maybe we see a little more clearly how we are all connected.

Location: Deep South

I grew up in Texas and then went off to college in Tennessee. There I met my future wife in a great story you'll have to hear someday. Med school was back in Texas. We got married during my 2nd year. After med school, it was on to Neurology residency in the Deep South. Now that I'm a full fledged neurologist, I'm just trying to balance it all with a new baby on the way...

Saturday, August 25, 2007


So for those friends and family back home in Texas, I'm sure you're sick of the rain. In this part of the country, though, we've been dying for some rain. Especially those of us who spent hours re-doing their yard with countless new shrubs and flowers, only to have them wilt and wither due to record-breaking heat and drought (not that I'm bitter about that or anything). Well, it's raining now, only the second day of sustained rain this entire summer. Praise the Lord.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Circle of Life

Janelle was on call last night and was called to do her first death pronouncement. When she walked into the room, the patient was lying peacefully in bed. The room was otherwise empty and quiet except the TV in the background, which was showing a woman giving birth. And so the circle of life continues...